rozdílné použití slov SEE,LOOK,WATCH
Hlavním významem slovesa SEE je vidět. (Je to sloveso smyslového vnímání. Máme oči, proto vidíme)
I saw her in town this morning.
He saw the approaching car but it was too late.
It was dark so I couldn't see anything.
Have you seen my glasses?
Have you ever seen a ghost?
LOOK at- podívat se ( na něco/ někoho)
I looked out of the window and saw a car parked in front of our house.
Look at me!
What are you looking at?
Sorry, I wasn't looking.
His new car looks great.
You look beautiful tonight
Sloveso watch používáme ve významu sledovat
I like watching TV.
I watched her get in the car and drive away.
She suddenly noticed that he was watching her.
She was watching her children playing in the garden.
Sloveso watch se také používá ve významu hlídat. Can you watch my bike for a minute?